Latter-Day Saints and the SCA

Can a Mormon play in the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) may appeal to a Latter-day Saint for several reasons, many of which align with core values and interests commonly found within the Latter-day Saint community:

1. **Sense of Community:** Latter-day Saints highly value community and fellowship. The SCA offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals come together to share common interests, participate in group activities, and build meaningful relationships. For Latter-day Saints seeking a sense of belonging and camaraderie outside of their religious community, the SCA can provide a supportive social network and opportunities for friendship and connection.

2. **Emphasis on Family-Friendly Activities:** Latter-day Saints prioritize family-oriented activities and experiences. The SCA offers a wide range of family-friendly events and activities that cater to individuals of all ages and interests. From medieval festivals and tournaments to arts and crafts workshops, the SCA provides opportunities for families to engage in shared experiences and create lasting memories together.

3. **Promotion of Values such as Chivalry and Honor:** The SCA promotes values such as chivalry, honor, and respect, which resonate with many Latter-day Saints' personal beliefs and moral principles. Through its emphasis on historical authenticity, courtesy, and fair play, the SCA encourages participants to embody noble ideals and conduct themselves with integrity and honor in their interactions with others.

4. **Opportunities for Creative Expression:** Latter-day Saints value creativity and self-expression as a means of celebrating individual talents and gifts. The SCA offers a rich tapestry of artistic and creative pursuits, including medieval arts, crafts, music, dance, and storytelling. Participants are encouraged to explore their interests, develop new skills, and express themselves through hands-on activities that celebrate the beauty and diversity of medieval culture.

5. **Focus on Service and Volunteerism:** Service and volunteerism are integral aspects of Latter-day Saint culture and identity. The SCA provides numerous opportunities for members to contribute their time, talents, and resources to support community events, educational programs, and charitable initiatives. Whether assisting with event logistics, teaching workshops, or mentoring newcomers, Latter-day Saints can find meaningful ways to give back and make a positive impact within the SCA community.

6. **Appreciation for History and Tradition:** Latter-day Saints have a deep appreciation for history, heritage, and tradition. The SCA offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich tapestry of medieval history and culture, exploring the customs, rituals, and achievements of past civilizations. Through hands-on experiences such as historical reenactments, period clothing, and artisanal crafts, Latter-day Saints can gain a deeper understanding of their own cultural roots and connect with the timeless wisdom of the past.

Overall, the Society for Creative Anachronism provides a welcoming and inclusive community where Latter-day Saints can explore their interests, cultivate meaningful relationships, and celebrate their shared passion for history, creativity, and fellowship. By embracing the values and traditions of the SCA, Latter-day Saints can find fulfillment, inspiration, and a sense of belonging within this vibrant and diverse community.

SCA Policy on Religion

The SCA is expressly welcoming to all people of any race, sex, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.  

From the Handbook
Having no wish to recreate the religious conflicts of the period under study, the Society shall neither establish nor prohibit any system of belief among its members. No one shall perform any religious or magical ceremony at a Society event (or in association with the name of the Society) in such a way as to imply that the ceremony is authorized, sponsored, or promulgated by the Society or to force anyone at a Society event, by direct or indirect pressure, to observe or join the ceremony. However, this provision is in no way intended to discourage the study of historical belief systems and their effects on the development of Western culture.

Except as provided herein, neither the Society nor any member acting in its name or that of any of its parts shall interfere with any person’s lawful ceremonies, nor shall any member discriminate against another upon grounds related to either member's system of belief.